Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How to Acquire Targeted Traffic from Social Bookmarking Sites

Facebook Notifications Management (Mark as Spam!) by @superamit

SeNuke X Review

Every social bookmarking website has the ability to drive traffic to your site. But, how you plan to capitalize on these opportunities is the question. Even though many of the well liked bookmarking sites are getting a lot of spam, there is still an well deserving way to get finely tuned traffic back to your site and be a member of the group without having to ignore the rules.

Build a Strong Profile:

Let's face it; all of the users that take part in social bookmarking aren't on an equal level. So, if you plan to get your content out there for people to vote on, then you have to create a stable name branding for yourself by producing content that is worthwhile. So your social bookmarking campaign goes far beyond your personal websites. But, it will involve giving the community the resources to locate the best content that is on the market. If you post links to other articles on a regular basis, then it will build up your brand and make you more credible with other bookmarkers. Do not forget that social bookmarking sites do not want you to submit links to your won content because it seems like you are only trying to promote yourself. So instead, go the genuine way and contribute so that in return people take notice of you. Tips for Writing Descriptions: Descriptions are basically a little blurb which supports your headline. You should keep the description on topic and it should support your headline. If your headline is well written it will get attention. However, to keep this attention, your description must also be well written. When writing a provoking headline and a well defined description, be sure to stick to the truth, don't create a bunch of false hype. Being straightforward is the always the way to go.

The First Paragraph Can Make or Break Your Efforts: A successful social bookmarker knows the first paragraph needs to be a killer. It should be interesting and attention grabbing. Now that you have the attention of readers and they are on your website, you have to make sure they stay there. You need to keep their interest up by providing useful information in the first paragraph. You will want your article to be more than your visitors were expecting. When people like what they see, they will read several pages, however if your site doesn't live up to their expectation, your visitors will leave.

Social bookmarking websites are popular for getting targeted traffic to the blogs that are smart enough to utilize them for them benefit. Even you can take advantage of these sites and get your site in front of your target audience in no time. The only thing you need to keep in mind are the simple rules like the ones we discussed in the article above.
( fbf88c9522 ) Article source: Annmarie Laxson is a prolific guest blogger and they also specializes in Automated SEO more details of which can be discovered on their web site or blog...

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